I had my first award today and it felt great. I just started blogging so it keeps me motivated to do more! Thank you so much and I hope those that I pick feel just as special. I would like to thank Surviving Motherhood
Now for the rules for winning this award
- Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass the award along to 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.
- Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award.
Seven Things About Me
1. I love being at home with my kids but sometimes I can't wait to go back to work to talk to adults. It's so rewarding being a sahm mom but it's rewarding in a different way to go to work and accomplish something.
2.I am extremely open maybe more then i should be but I don't feel i should have to hide who I am for someone to like me. Take me as I am or not at all.
3. I have always had a passion to write and would love to make it what I do but I'm afraid I'll never be good at it so I always start something but never finish through with it.
4. I love doing crafty things but don't think I have a creative bone in my body.
5. I love learning new things. Once I learn how to do something I do it over and over again so I remember it and feel so great. I need to learn more things.
6. I wish I had more mommy friends sometimes or friends near me, but even when I do I tend to pull away from them. I have been disappointed by so many friends so much that I feel it's almost not worth getting that close to people.
7. I have been on and off with my husband since I was 15 which is 10 years ago and I think I love him more now then ever. things are going so great but then usually something bad happens so I'm almost always holding my breathe. I think this time may be different.
15 fab Blogs I Choose
Through the rain
The Tipsy Cook
Stoic Tia
Snips and Snails and Tales
My eleven Reasons
Cookin' with Super Pickle
Ashley...plus three
Pacifiers, Pumps & The World
Victoria's Voice
Isis...Then & Now
Remember Ember
Let me think!
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Thank you so much!! <3
Awww, well I'm your friend for life...even if we don't chat everyday, but believe me I know how you feel.
Oh and I forgot to add on my blog, you have to copy and paste the award from my page so you can add it on your post for people to grab :)
You are so sweet, thanks for the award! I will work on passing it on!
Congratulations & Thanks for thinking of me!! Also thanks for stopping by Remember Ember! Looks like we get to have so football fun with rival teams! =)
Don't forget to stop by the button love page to leave your blog for everyone to see!
Thank you so so much for the award! What an honor! I can't wait to check out the other winners' blogs too! Thank you!
Congrats on your award Sarah!!! I'm your newest follower from MBC! Hope you can stop by and return the follow :)
I'm a new follower, love your blog and congrats on the award!
Grats on the award!
Your newest Mom Bloggers Club follower! Please follow back :)
Thank you so much for the award!! I'll do my best to find more people to pass it on to! :))
Thank you so much for the award. I'm honored. :)
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